Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Amazon of Rights: Understanding Ecocentric Normativity and its Social Realities through Visual Ethnography


Maria Cecilia da Silva Oliveira

Dr. Maria Cecilia Oliveira

Research Group Leader
RIFS researcher Cecilia Oliveira recording the sounds of the Amazon.
RIFS researcher Cecilia Oliveira recording the sounds of the Amazon.

The project investigates how ecocentric normativity interacts with social realities in an important ecosystem of planetary relevance, namely the Amazon river system, using comparative law and visual ethnographic practice, especially documentary film, as a method of socio-legal research. Over the past decade, a growing literature has hailed rights of nature as a new ecocentric legal paradigm, rooted in indigenous cosmologies and suited to address global environmental crises. However, local differences in normative understandings and the actual social practices associated with rights of nature are less well understood. The project thus traces the legal status of the Amazon river as a subject and object of rights across jurisdictional boundaries, inquiring how ecocentric normativity shapes, and is shaped by, social practices and legal imaginations of local communities, indigenous peoples, activists and legal practitioners. The project will form an international and transdisciplinary collaborative network that brings together legal scholars, political scientists, legal anthropologists as well as ethnographic filmmakers and local stakeholders from the Amazon region. The collaborators will address the research questions through a combination of desktop legal research, joint workshops, as well as ethnographic fieldwork, documentary film and semi-structured interviews with activists, indigenous leaders and academics in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

Applicants: M. Cecilia Oliveira, RIFS Potsdam; Luis Eslava, Kent University, Michael Riegner, Erfurt University

Cecilia Oliveira is Principal Investigator in the project, together with Luis Eslava, La Trobe University, and Michael Riegner, Erfurt University.

RIFS researchers journeying by boat on the Amazon.
RIFS researchers journeying by boat on the Amazon.

Belongs to research group


Maria Cecilia da Silva Oliveira

Dr. Maria Cecilia Oliveira

Research Group Leader
Scientific Project Leader
Doris Fuchs Leitungsteam RIFS

Prof. Dr. Doris Fuchs

Scientific Director
Scientific Director
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