Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Carolin Fraude

Carolin Fraude

Affiliate Scholar


carolin [dot] fraude [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Carolin Fraude is an educationalist working on the RIFS project "A Mindset for the Anthropocene". She addresses the question of how cultivating inner attitudes, such as mindfulness and compassion, can help make the transition to a sustainable society a reality. It also includes the question of how knowledge about climate change and commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals can lead to practical choices and actions.

Carolin studied educational science, sociology, psychology and philosophy at the FU Berlin. In her diploma thesis she dealt with youth participation and Dewey's understanding of democracy and education. In this and her later educational work in EU projects of the VHS Hamburg her interest had been in transformative learning arrangements. Since 1998, Carolin has been practicing and teaching meditation and other reflective practices designed to consciously change one's own consciousness, attitudes, and behaviors.

As part of her voluntary NGO work, Carolin Fraude has been actively involved in the processes of the UN climate negotiations since 2015.

  • Transformative learning and knowledge processes
  • Relationships between consciousness and sustainability
  • Co-Creativity
  • Dialogue between spirituality and science
  • Human-Nature relationship in the Anthropocene
  • Attitudes and sustainable lifestyles
  • Participation and stakeholder engagement
  • transdisciplinarity