Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Benita Ebersbach

M. Sc. Benita Ebersbach

Research Associate


benita [dot] ebersbach [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Benita Ebersbach joined the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam in July 2022 as research associate for the group Social Sustainability of Climate Action and Energy Transitions. In the Kopernikus project "Ariadne - Evidence-based Assessment for the Design of the German Energiewende" she is working on social aspects of energy and mobility transformation processes. Before joining RIFS, she graduated her masters degree in Psychology in Employment, Education and Society at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. During her master thesis she focused on the conception and implementation of an app-based intervention to reduce the consumption of animal products through behavioral change techniques. Beside her master programme she completed a certificate for corporate social and ecological responsibility, in which she faced up to sustainable and mindful action in companies and worked in a section for sustainability in a public administration.

  • Master of Science Psychology in Employment, Education and Society
  • Bachelor of Science Psychology

  • Social sustainability of societal transformations
  • Determinants and encouragement of individual pro-environmental behavior

Publications at the RIFS