Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Fit for the Future with a Sustainable Financial Strategy


Finance is becoming increasingly important as a lever for sustainable development in all policy areas. In mid-May 2021, the fourth Advisory Council Dialogue 2021 of the Science Platform Sustainability (wpn) 2030 and Sustainable Development Solutions Network Germany (SDSN) took place. The results and impulses can now be found (in German) in the paper “Finanz. Macht. Zukunft.”

Finance plays an important role in shaping the future sustainably.
Finance plays an important role in shaping the future sustainably.

The representatives of 21 advisory and expert councils of the Federal Government exchanged views virtually on the opportunities and challenges that finance as a lever of transformation presents for a sustainable future. Mark Lawrence, as Co-Chair of wpn2030 and member of the steering committee of SDSN Germany, moderated parts of the event on behalf of the IASS.

One of the demands of the participating councils was the improvement of the EU taxonomy regulation. In their view, it is not only a matter of declaring the share of sustainable investments in the real economy – investments must be increased. Moreover, it is important that in future, taxes, levies and charges are structured in such a way that social hardship is cushioned when financing rising government expenditures. At present, social aspects are neglected in comparison to economic and ecological criteria. In the area of ESG investment criteria (Environment, Social, Governance), however, this information would have to be prepared accordingly so that potentially interested investors and consumers can make competent decisions.

Following on from the impulses from the first Advisory Council Dialogue 2021, a second Advisory Council Dialogue is to be held on 9 November 2021 with the title “ZUKUNFTS.(GE-)RECHT. Wie verändert die Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Klimaschutzgesetz die wissenschaftliche Politikberatung?” (FUTURE.LAW/JUSTICE. How does the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Climate Protection Act change scientific policy advice?) The anticipated date for the Advisory Council Dialogue 2022 is 17 May 2022.

wpn2030 - Wissenschaftsplattform Nachhaltigkeit 2030. Finanz. Macht. Zukunft. Bericht zum Beirätedialog 2021. (2021): - IASS Brochure.


Dr. Anne Ellersiek

Dr. Anne Ellersiek

Senior Research Associate
annekathrin [dot] ellersiek [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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