Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Reflection and Dialogue Space at COP24

06.12.2018 - 14.12.2018
Start time:

At COP24, the IASS and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation provide a space for scientists, negotiators, NGO delegates etc. to reflect and share experiences and impressions of the COP, and to consider ways to collectively improve the exchange space at the COPs to help lead towards more synergetic outcomes (both formal and informal). It is a special opportunity for COP delegates to meet and share their observations, thoughts and ideas - knowing that dialogues have the potential to draw creativity in thought and produce insights which can lead to new, more effective and efficient strategies and solutions.
Taking also into account that the different delegates coming to the COP conferences bring a huge amount and a variety of potential with them, the dialogues can further be a space of co-creation. It is widely thought that only by working together collectively, pulling all available expertise together, will we be able to change the course of climate change to still meet the Paris Agreement goals.
We have developed a couple of formats for one-hour-sessions. Each of them includes:

  • Some personal reflection
  • Sharing with other delegates
  • Exploring new perspectives, understanding and ideas
  • Get a five-minute-input

Benefits and Intentions

  • Personal & collective reflection and processing / “digesting” the negotiations, discussions and experiences during COP
  • meaningful conversations and encounters with different stakeholders
  • variety of perspectives broadening individuals views
  • supporting holistic, explorative and creative thinking, cooperation and co-creation
  • making use of the potential of COP delegates


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