Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Precaution for Responsible Innovation: New Options to Move Forward

Start time:

RECIPES Dissemination Conference

On May, 11, 2022, the RECIPES project will hold its dissemination conference “Precaution for responsible innovation: New options to move forward”.

At this conference the RECIPES project will present and discuss some of the ideas on how to improve the use of the precautionary principle that were developed in consultation with several stakeholders at various points during the project period (the RECIPES guidance). The final version of the RECIPES guidance will be available in advance of the conference via the project’s website.

The conference is planned in hybrid format (Online & Brussels). It addresses all groups that participated in the RECIPES project – NGOs, CSOs, SMEs, industry/business, trade unions, policy makers, EU agencies, academia.

For more information, you can find the draft programme of the conference HERE.

The conference will be facilitated by an external moderator.
Register HERE!


Dialogik, DBT, IASS, UM, Ecologic Institute with support from KNAW, UiB, K&I and ARC


Dr. Marion Dreyer, Dialogik
Email: dreyer [at] dialogik-expert [dot] de


Pia-Johanna Schweizer

Dr. Pia-Johanna Schweizer

Research Group Leader
pia-johanna [dot] schweizer [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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