Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Berlin Science Week

Narrating for New Narratives

Start time:

Scientific Podcasters who challenge conventional thinking discuss opportunities and challenges of podcasting for transformations

November, 8 2023 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm,
DIW Berlin, Mohrenstraße 58 in 10117 Berlin

Podcasts have gained incredible popularity and also the number of scientific podcasters has grown. By them, podcasts are being explored as a tool to disseminate critical knowledge and reach an audience beyond academic journals and conferences. They not only offer new opportunities for knowledge transfer and dialogue, but also for research and theory building. Theories can be discursively negotiated and linked to current topics and political events.

Can podcasts serve as a digital arena to open up conversations between professors, activists, artists, and other practitioners, and the audience? Which challenges are associated to this?

This panel brings into conversation scientific podcasters that tackle contemporary climate politics and problematize the set of empirical, normative and epistemic problems that it engenders. It aims to discuss how podcasts can be a channel to promote conversations of issues that are difficult and yet relevant to the lived experience of everybody, such as power relations, social transformation, democracy, neoliberalism, postcolonialism, climate politics, environmental crises, sustainability, science, art. We bring together podcasters incite their audience to think critically by contrasting different perspectives and thus helping to expand our understanding of the world in crises.

A panel discussion with

with an opening message by Henning Krause (Social Media Manager of the Helmholtz Association) and moderated by Alexandra Tost (RIFS).

This event can be attended digitally or in person. To register for this event please register here by November, 6. Please note that the number of participants on site is limited to 75. The event language will be English. Admission is free of charge. Please find more information here.

The Event ist part of the Berlin Science Week 2023.



Alexandra Tost

Alexandra Tost

Research Associate
alexandra [dot] tost [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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